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Fear and fright, caught up in Kidneys
Colette Van Heerden

Fear and fright, caught up in Kidneys

Using an EARTHBODY LOCATION to understand a childhood trauma.

I’ve begun writing articles for an online magazine, an opportunity to write that I’ve been patiently waiting for for ages. Nothing like having a reason to write to make sure you practice your talents! And the invitation to write for Spirit Connection, came on the back of my managing Earthbody. I love how things in our lives weave together.


My latest article submitted details a moment in time when I was 8 years old and needing to write a creative story about an Autumn leaf that falls from its tree and goes on its own adventure. An easy peasy topic for young children. When I posed the topic to my 12 year old daughter last night, it took her all of 2 sec to dive straight into the adventure that took her leaf immediately to the Bahamas (an aspect of the Earth’s Skin, which is part of her Sensory System by the way).


But, for me, at 8 years old many moons ago, I couldn’t for the life of me get this leaf to adventure anywhere! I had zero creativity but much frustration. I had no clue where a leaf would like to visit but I had many tears wetting my page. I performed much erasing but had no friends to meet on this leaf adventure. Roll forward almost 40 years and I land up looking at this incident again in an effort to do some Inner Child work. I decide I’d better eventually write this Leaf Adventure Story for my inner child’s sake. And so, I do what I usually do and that is a bit of research, which often includes looking at symbolism and connections. I therefore went on to write the article about the use of symbolism as a tool in uncovering insights into our past when we are wanting to bring awareness and do healing.


Another incredible tool for this same kind of explorative adventure into knowing ourselves, self discovery, is through Earthbody and purchasing the readings. These reading modules give us knowledge about the locations we enquire about so that we can recognise the patterns and belief systems associated with different body organs. In Earthbody every location on the Earth has its own human organ ‘location’ because every part of Mother Earth is made up of a human grid.

As an extension of my research type way of “knowing thyself” that I love to do, I thought I’d use the Earthbody website to give me the organ that the location of this traumatic inability to write a creative leaf/life story at age 8 in a primary school in South Africa is an aspect of.

Turns our Craighall Primary School is an aspect of the Kidney, which is part of the Urinary System in the body. Continuing my reading I discovered that the Kidney holds the emotions of fear and fright. Yo! I could so relate to that fact when I think of how that inability to write a simple story left me feeling alone, stupid, useless and completely thrown out by my own out of character response to a simple class exercise. That ‘freeze frame’ moment (I didn't fight or take flight) in time has been an obstacle and reason for my Inner Child holding me back from BE-ing my fullest potential. That obstacle is the fear of my Inner Child not wanting to feel that pain again – and it is also the fear that prevents me from accepting and embracing my own personal light.

The Urinary System is responsible for the excretion of waste products of metabolism and for maintaining the balance of water, electrolytes in the blood, pH, blood pressure, calcium and red blood cells. The kidneys filter blood to remove waste substances. In Chinese medicine the kidneys:
Deal with fear and anger.
Gather and store your emotions.
Filter your emotions, only absorbing healthy emotional patterns.
Handle dirt or feeling dirtied by other people's morals and attitudes
Deal with abandonment, feeling isolated and excluded from your family or other close relationships.
Identify your place in the world and know where you belong.

QUESTION: Did my school’s Earthbody location contribute to my inability to be a brave and adventurous leaf?

No, not at all. That’s not how this human body grid works. Instead, what that location did for me is bring to the surface belief systems and issues that were a part of me at that time. It’s called ground support. When our belief systems are faulty and out of wack, the Earthbody location rises to the occasion and brings to our awareness these issues and thoughts and patterns that are hindering our most authentic expression.


As a young child I did not have the tools (nor did we have Earthbody yet) with which to understand what was going. But the wisdom of Mother earth and my own place in her body’s systems meant that my experience still reflected what was happening for in my life at that time. My baby brother was soon to be born and there had been some stresses and strains about my mom’s pregnancy. I’ve never been good at managing my emotions (I wasn’t taught how!) and so, looking back now I can totally identify with what my young girl self was busy trying to process in terms of feelings and experiences - but at the same time laying down (faulty) belief systems that would become BS (bulls#$%) for me as an adult.

Here’s some further info from the Earthbody website when your personal location is an aspect of the Urinary System.

“Problems with the Urinary System – bladder infections, incontinence, kidney infections, kidney stones etc. An inability to ‘deal with your fear’ may make you overly suspicious of people; you don’t trust anyone and determined to protect yourself build ‘walls’ around you; this ultimately disconnects you from everyone and everything; you don’t fit in; you do not function effectively because you are so disconnected from the real world; loneliness becomes a major issue. Finding a suitable outlet for your anger and pent up emotions is essential; failure to do so could see you arguing over the smallest of issues with the people around you.”


I’m busy with my Leaf Adventure Story. And it’s flowing now. On completion my Inner Child will be free to go and play (as children should be doing) and my adult self can get on with sharing my Light and love with the world, free from fear about Be-ing me.


Big thank you to Earthbody, for providing the remaining puzzle piece I needed in understanding what my little girl was struggling to find her way through at the rocky road of change I was walking on at the time. If in doubt, looking up a location that has meaning for me, and finding out its Earthbody location, always reveals to me synchronicities, connections, understandings and insights into knowing myself. Self Discovery through Earth Discovery.

Why don't you drop your fear and go and purchase a reading module from Earthbody so that you can jump into understanding and healing yourself better?

With love to you, and gratitude in my heart, until next time