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How to do a Reading in 5 EASY STEPS
Register and login to your account.
Think of yourself in a location and what you’d like to know more about.
Go to the Store and select the Reading Modules you’re interested in.
Purchase the items and then click on the link provided to retrieve your Reading.
Insert your personal and location details and click on the ‘View Your Earthbody Reading’ button. Readings are stored in your profile and are retrievable at any time. Click on your name and in the drop down menu, click on Readings.
LOCATION: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia EARTHBODY LOCATION: Earth’s Pancreas Head, which is part of her Endocrine System. SUBCONSCIOUS SABOTAGE reading for Sydney, NSW - subconscious beliefs and patterns to be aware of: Low self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, self-respect and self-discipline that saps your vitality and zest for life. Irresponsible and compulsive behaviour that creates uncertainty and fear manifesting through you as rage. Extreme perfectionism and hypersensitivity to being criticised or of you being highly critical of others.
LOCATION: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
EARTHBODY LOCATION: Earth’s Pancreas Head, which is part of her Endocrine System.
SUBCONSCIOUS SABOTAGE reading for Sydney, NSW - subconscious beliefs and patterns to be aware of:
Low self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, self-respect and self-discipline that saps your vitality and zest for life.
Irresponsible and compulsive behaviour that creates uncertainty and fear manifesting through you as rage.
Extreme perfectionism and hypersensitivity to being criticised or of you being highly critical of others.