What’s So Interesting About Adam’s Calendar? Part 1

I first visited Adam’s Calendar in March 2007. It didn’t have an official name. Remote and obscure as a site, it was known only to spiritual groups, nature lovers and those interested in the ancient peopling of South Africa. Then came Michael Tellinger and much publicity about this stone circle. He was right to stir up interest. From an Earthbody perspective, Adam’s Calendar is a spectacularly positioned site. Here’s why:

The Eyemap grid, is the tool we use at Earthbody to locate sites within aspects of the Earth’s anatomy. Yes, the Earth has an anatomy that matches our own and we can read our location within it through the Eyemap grid. All site identifications are mathematically derived and thus objective. We work with what’s given and that is both challenging (when we have no idea what things mean) and inspiring (when we suddenly understand what we’re seeing).1

The grid consists of multiple levels. Each level employs a different modality, which means that we have diverse perspectives. Adam’s Calendar is explored through five of these levels - individually and together. A collective assessment is complex but fascinating, because that’s where sites begin to show their unique character and where we’re able to track common themes and advance our understanding.


Why is it important to know where we’re located?

We’re attracted to visit certain places because they offer us certain insights and wisdom aimed at improving the quality of our lives.


How does this work?

When we’re aware of where we’re located in the Eyemap grid, we can take advantage of what the grid has to offer and so the grid becomes a tool of liberation and potential, rather than a suppressive trap.

We’re contained by the Eyemap grid. How we live, work and play is determined by our location in the grid. So we’re not ‘free’. Understanding where we live in the grid is however liberating, because we’re given an opportunity to understand what we’re dealing with and what’s possible. We then have the option to choose our approach and actions. Freedom is limited when we don’t understand our ‘lot in life’ and we’re thrown around willy-nilly by circumstances we don’t understand.


Why now?

Whilst we should never shy away from self-improvement, the volatile state of global affairs demands that we take charge of ourselves. We cannot afford to ignore the pressures and promptings that direct us towards improving ourselves because that is the way we create a better world for us all. Awareness of the gifts on offer through the Eyemap grid, makes us more receptive and helps to accelerate and amplify the processes we need for our growth.


Where is Adam’s Calendar located and what do we learn and gain from visiting this site? 

Adam’s Calendar is located within an aspect of the Earth’s Occipital Lobe, which is the visual processing center of the brain that contains the primary visual cortex. Visiting this site stimulates and improves: 

  • Our vision - both physically and spiritually.
  • Our intuition and receptivity to higher guidance.
  • Our ability to interpret and manage information that comes in from other ‘realms/realities’.
  • Our ability to see and understand recurring patterns that debilitate us.
  • Our openness to other ideas and spiritual principles in our quest for absolute truth.
  • Our ability to recognize ‘colour’ and symbolic connections in our world.
  • Our capacity to discern between truth and illusion, fact and fantasy.

Adam’s Calendar is not unique in its Occipital Lobe placement. Egypt’s Bent Pyramid, the Caral-Supe Pyramid Complex in Peru and the Taj Mahal in India are other similarly located sites. Differentiation through the levels of the grid is where sites are distinguished and things really get exciting. The Occipital Lobe readout comes from the first of five grid layers. It’s equated with masculine energy and the conscious mind.

Level 2 is where Adam’s Calendar stands out in its individuality. This is the area associated with feminine energies and the subconscious mind. These energies underlie the site, and in the case of Adam’s Calendar are connected to the Pituitary Gland. At the time of writing this article, Adam’s Calendar is the only site plotted thus far, with a Pituitary Gland reading on Level 2. This is significant because the subconscious is the feeder well source of the conscious mind - Level 2 feeds Level 1. Irrespective of the organ, Level 2 is always more powerful and potent than Level 1. When the well source happens to be the Pituitary Gland, we are compelled to sit up and pay attention. Something big is happening here! 

From a physiological perspective, the Pituitary Gland is responsible for the release of hormones that affect our growth, metabolism, sexual development and reproduction. It’s often referred to as the master gland, because it exerts overall control of our Endocrine System, though the production of hormones that control the functions of other endocrine glands.

From an esoteric perspective, the Pituitary Gland at Adam’s Calendar works behind the scenes as a forceful influence pushing us to self-reflect and become more self-aware. It helps us to rectify imbalances and assume control of our lives.

Most important, is the Pituitary Gland’s facilitation in the opening of our Third Eye Chakras and hence our vision on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When we are able to see with greater clarity and accuracy we recognise truth. The subconscious - Pituitary Gland - Third Eye Chakra combination is associated with the Eye of Horus and specifically the Left Eye of Horus, which we know from the Osirian myth2 was Horus’ fragmented eye, healed whole through the intervention of the God of Wisdom, Thoth. Take note: Wisdom heals. What we ‘see’ on the inside (subconsciously) is what we see on the outside (consciously) and so Adam’s Calendar, is pivotal in healing the fragmented aspects of our well source vision that enables us to see truth - absolute Truth - Godly Truth.


Why is there such an emphasis on vision at Adam’s Calendar?

With greater clarity and authentic vision we’re able to see more and thus know more. Knowledge was taken away from us with our ‘fall from Grace’. Adam (ahem) and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden for having ‘eaten’ from the Tree of Knowledge and becoming too powerful. Genesis is not the only place where we read about our loss of knowledge.3 In the Mayan Popol Vuh (Book of the People), we are told that the gods were displeased with the first people’s ability to potentially see and know everything. They regarded them as a threat and intervened as follows:

“Their eyes were merely blurred by Heart of Sky. They were blinded like breath upon the face of a mirror. Thus their eyes were blinded. They could see only nearby; things were clear to them only where they were. Thus their knowledge was lost.”4

Could Adam’s Calendar be a place for us to regain our ancient knowledge and power? Could it be our well source? And, could this be the reason for the exceptionally high electromagnetic frequencies measured at the site?5

For a personalised experience of Adam’s Calendar and how this site relates to you, select the Crystal Tablet, Sapphire Tablet and Chakric Intelligence Reading Modules for an Earthbody Reading. 


Salome Pouroulis


March 2016

(last revised October 2018)



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