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How to do a Reading in 5 EASY STEPS
Register and login to your account.
Think of yourself in a location and what you’d like to know more about.
Go to the Store and select the Reading Modules you’re interested in.
Purchase the items and then click on the link provided to retrieve your Reading.
Insert your personal and location details and click on the ‘View Your Earthbody Reading’ button. Readings are stored in your profile and are retrievable at any time. Click on your name and in the drop down menu, click on Readings.
Water is synonymous with emotions, feelings and creativity. Clean, flowing waters suggest emotional calm, health, creative potential and prosperity. Extreme conditions like flooding or drought represent emotional imbalance - emotional overwhelm or emotionless behaviour, neither of which support creativity or abundance. South Africa is currently facing the worst drought in 30 years, which says a lot about its people - deprived, worn out, dried up, hardened and unproductive.
What can you do to change things?
You are a 'cellular' member of Earth's body and you influence her by what you do to yourself. You have an effect, albeit small. Looking after yourself is how you look after her. Water is synonymous with the Sacral Chakra and womb. As the chalice of life, the womb requires nurturing in order for it to bare life. Our Earth needs Sacral Chakra support, so working on your Sacral Chakra would be a good place to start. Understand what this chakra is all about and aim to improve areas of your life that you've neglected. You could also try out a Earthlife Reflections study called: 'In Search of Creative Inspiration', which will point out potential issues you may have regarding your own creative potential. Carnelian is the stone of choice, as it's an excellent stone for regenerating imagination and spurring on creativity. Wear it, infuse your water with it and please place crystals on the "Earth Healing and Support" grid.
Filo Mooney
So appropriate, our present project is on South Africa and Zimbabwe. The water issue is going to be of more importance going forward I think.
Water is synonymous with emotions, feelings and creativity. Clean, flowing waters suggest emotional calm, health, creative potential and prosperity. Extreme conditions like flooding or drought represent emotional imbalance - emotional overwhelm or emotionless behaviour, neither of which support creativity or abundance. South Africa is currently facing the worst drought in 30 years, which says a lot about its people - deprived, worn out, dried up, hardened and unproductive.
What can you do to change things?
You are a 'cellular' member of Earth's body and you influence her by what you do to yourself. You have an effect, albeit small. Looking after yourself is how you look after her. Water is synonymous with the Sacral Chakra and womb. As the chalice of life, the womb requires nurturing in order for it to bare life. Our Earth needs Sacral Chakra support, so working on your Sacral Chakra would be a good place to start. Understand what this chakra is all about and aim to improve areas of your life that you've neglected. You could also try out a Earthlife Reflections study called: 'In Search of Creative Inspiration', which will point out potential issues you may have regarding your own creative potential. Carnelian is the stone of choice, as it's an excellent stone for regenerating imagination and spurring on creativity. Wear it, infuse your water with it and please place crystals on the "Earth Healing and Support" grid.