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Amazon on Fire!
Colette Van Heerden
2019/09/08 20:44

PLACE: Amazon Forest, Brazil
EARTHBODY LOCATION: Earth’s Spine, which is part of her Musculoskeletal System.

With what is currently happening in the Amazon, IT ASTOUNDS ME that the words below are so appropriate and ring true. The following subconscious patterns are worth looking at and discussing in the context of the outright destruction of a resource that is life giving and needed for survival. .

The Amazon’s location on Mother Earth can teach us to be aware of the way in which we:

• BREATHE life into your personal world – GIVE OXYGEN (life) rather than carbon dioxide (poison) to your thoughts, feelings and actions.
• Understand and embrace the natural cycle of life - old and depleted energy must be released in order to make way for new vitalized sources.
• MOTHER rather than smother yourself and those you care about.
• NURTURE rather than suffocate your hopes, dreams and wishes.
Patterns that develop have deep roots that affect your thinking and thus your attitude and approach to everything and everyone in your life.

In this location, or connecting to the mass burning happening now in the Amazon, guides us to be mindful of:
• How you love and hate.
• Feeling resentful, bitter and suspicious.
• Being jealous and possessive.
• Deal with unacknowledged grief.
• Handle feeling isolated and lonely.
• Being self-centered and emotionally insensitive.
• Being unloving towards yourself.
• Being unable or unwilling to trust your heart’s desire for fear of being criticised and/or abandoned.
• Being shy and having difficulty with intimacy.
• Being co-dependent and incapable of respecting or establishing personal boundaries.

Be especially aware of how you:
• Take in the breath of life.
• Fill and support your existence.
• 'Get things off your chest'.
• Manage guilt and resentment.
• Separate issues and know what you have to do.
• Share your deepest feelings.
• Manage your need for control, especially over others.

Subconscious 'saboteurs' are harsh teachers. They make your life a misery to push you into taking necessary steps and making changes that restore balance and bring calm into your personal world.

The abuse and destruction taking place in the Amazon Forests of Brazil, the lungs of our planet, is an opportunity for us all to address the need to make changes that can bring back harmony, unity and reverence for our Mother Earth, the only planet we have.

Do you seek understanding and clarity about your self and your choices?
Confused as to why living where you do feels challenging or no longer comfortable?
Caught up in patterns that are causing havoc?
In need of healing that you don’t yet fully grasp?
Looking for tools of support and wisdom?

If answering yes to any of these questions, then purchase your SUBCONSCIOUS SABOTAGE reading module for your location and find the patterns at play. BUY NOW!
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