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How to do a Reading in 5 EASY STEPS
Register and login to your account.
Think of yourself in a location and what you’d like to know more about.
Go to the Store and select the Reading Modules you’re interested in.
Purchase the items and then click on the link provided to retrieve your Reading.
Insert your personal and location details and click on the ‘View Your Earthbody Reading’ button. Readings are stored in your profile and are retrievable at any time. Click on your name and in the drop down menu, click on Readings.
Using your location, where you live or where you work, or a special location in the world that 'talks' to you, purchase a reading that will provide you with information to support, motivate, uplift, inform or assist you.
For example, using this location below, I could gather the following basic info - the reading itself is waaaay more detailed.
LOCATION: Fingals Cave, Scotland EARTHBODY LOCATION: Diaphragm, Respiratory System CHAKRA: The Diaphragm, within which you are located, is an organ of the Heart Chakra. SAPPHIRE TABLET: Sapphire Tablet 79 helps to transform this obstacle:
Fear of being dependent on another or of having to consider others; fear of being rejected for being too self-centred or different to the norm; fear of being unpopular or alone. JEWEL: Copper CRYSTAL TABLET: Crystal Tablet 31 - Wafeeq and Kemal who grant you the gift of Loyalty. ASPECT OF LIFE MOST INFLUENCED BY THIS LOCATION: Your Health, Routines And Co-workers.
Look for effects in the following areas of your life:
Your Profession And Destiny - your occupation and life's calling, your actions and deeds in the world, your mastery of skills, your dreams translated into your personal reality, your influence, glory, fame, honours and reputation, Divine things, your mother, maternal grandmother, old women and female friends on the maternal lineage.
Range of readings possible on Earthbody
Using your location, where you live or where you work, or a special location in the world that 'talks' to you, purchase a reading that will provide you with information to support, motivate, uplift, inform or assist you.
For example, using this location below, I could gather the following basic info - the reading itself is waaaay more detailed.
LOCATION: Fingals Cave, Scotland
EARTHBODY LOCATION: Diaphragm, Respiratory System
CHAKRA: The Diaphragm, within which you are located, is an organ of the Heart Chakra.
SAPPHIRE TABLET: Sapphire Tablet 79 helps to transform this obstacle:
Fear of being dependent on another or of having to consider others; fear of being rejected for being too self-centred or different to the norm; fear of being unpopular or alone.
JEWEL: Copper
CRYSTAL TABLET: Crystal Tablet 31 - Wafeeq and Kemal who grant you the gift of Loyalty.
Look for effects in the following areas of your life:
Your Profession And Destiny - your occupation and life's calling, your actions and deeds in the world, your mastery of skills, your dreams translated into your personal reality, your influence, glory, fame, honours and reputation, Divine things, your mother, maternal grandmother, old women and female friends on the maternal lineage.