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How to do a Reading in 5 EASY STEPS
Register and login to your account.
Think of yourself in a location and what you’d like to know more about.
Go to the Store and select the Reading Modules you’re interested in.
Purchase the items and then click on the link provided to retrieve your Reading.
Insert your personal and location details and click on the ‘View Your Earthbody Reading’ button. Readings are stored in your profile and are retrievable at any time. Click on your name and in the drop down menu, click on Readings.
LOCATION: Wuhan City, China EARTHBODY LOCATION: Earth’s Parietal Lobe, which is part of her Nervous System. AREA OF LIFE AFFECTED: "Your Health, Routines And Co-workers", 6th House area on the astrological wheel. Your approach to your mundane daily rituals, physical health and psychological wellbeing. The balance between your work and health as a reflection of feeling productive and essential.
SAPPHIRE TABLET, the challenge: Sapphire Tablet 39 helps to transform this obstacle:
Being fickle, superficial and restless with little staying power. The jewels used in this tablet are: Pink Tourmaline
CRYSTAL TABLET, the gift: Crystal Tablet 15 - Angelica-Rose and Olivia who grant you the gift of Blessings. Counting your blessings is an excellent way of re-grounding yourself when you feel challenged by what you perceive as the reality of your life. Twin bears Angelica-Rose and Olivia show you that you have more than you think you do.
HEALTHY BEYOND BELIEF - Some Subconscious patterns could be: Understand that your external and internal worlds are reflections of each other. Gather, transfer and process information. Integrate information and use it to direct your life. Trust and have faith in the process of life. On the back of what has broken out at the heart of Wuhan, China, the corona virus itself, can be asking of all of us to discern how we process information as well as question our own belief systems regarding trusting the process of life.
If you'd like to better understand what your location is showing you and also what it is assisting you with, visit and BUY your reading NOW!…/coronavirus-outbreak-0…/index.html
LOCATION: Wuhan City, China
EARTHBODY LOCATION: Earth’s Parietal Lobe, which is part of her Nervous System.
AREA OF LIFE AFFECTED: "Your Health, Routines And Co-workers", 6th House area on the astrological wheel.
Your approach to your mundane daily rituals, physical health and psychological wellbeing.
The balance between your work and health as a reflection of feeling productive and essential.
SAPPHIRE TABLET, the challenge: Sapphire Tablet 39 helps to transform this obstacle:
Being fickle, superficial and restless with little staying power.
The jewels used in this tablet are: Pink Tourmaline
CRYSTAL TABLET, the gift: Crystal Tablet 15 - Angelica-Rose and Olivia who grant you the gift of Blessings. Counting your blessings is an excellent way of re-grounding yourself when you feel challenged by what you perceive as the reality of your life. Twin bears Angelica-Rose and Olivia show you that you have more than you think you do.
HEALTHY BEYOND BELIEF - Some Subconscious patterns could be:
Understand that your external and internal worlds are reflections of each other.
Gather, transfer and process information.
Integrate information and use it to direct your life.
Trust and have faith in the process of life. On the back of what has broken out at the heart of Wuhan, China, the corona virus itself, can be asking of all of us to discern how we process information as well as question our own belief systems regarding trusting the process of life.
If you'd like to better understand what your location is showing you and also what it is assisting you with, visit and BUY your reading NOW!