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How to do a Reading in 5 EASY STEPS
Register and login to your account.
Think of yourself in a location and what you’d like to know more about.
Go to the Store and select the Reading Modules you’re interested in.
Purchase the items and then click on the link provided to retrieve your Reading.
Insert your personal and location details and click on the ‘View Your Earthbody Reading’ button. Readings are stored in your profile and are retrievable at any time. Click on your name and in the drop down menu, click on Readings.
Staying with CAVES for this week, here's another location used as an example of what information a variety of readings on EARTHBODY.CO can give you.
LOCATION: Saint Baume cave (or La Baume of Mary Magdalene) EARTHBODY LOCATION: Based on your data inputs, we determine that you are located within an aspect of the Earth’s Occipital Lobe, which is part of her Nervous System.
ASPECTS INFLUENCING YOUR CAREER: A radical and transformative influence. In order for this dynamic to work in your favour, you are encouraged to:
Explore ‘outside of the box’ – tap into your unrealised talents and potentials. Make the most of what you already know. With your technical expertise, a bit of structure and planning you can take your ideas and develop them into something real.
THE PERFECT LOCATION: Your location also supports: Fourth Sector Activities The hotel and hospitality industry. Anything to do with liquid beverages – bottled water, vineyards, breweries, coffee and the tea trade. The arts – photography, painting, drawing, acting, writing, composing, dancing, singing, art history. Nursery school teaching. Service and customer support. Home focused businesses specialising in interior decor and design. To name but a few...
HEALTHY BEYOND BELIEF: Be aware of your thoughts, attitude and behaviour with regards to how you:
Function as a conscious being with an awareness of the bigger picture and your place in it. Treat yourself with respect - understand who you are and love yourself unconditionally. Develop your emotional and intellectual intelligence. Balance the affairs of your heart with your head.
UNCONSCIOUS PATTERNS: Be mindful of the following pitfalls:
Battling to cope with negativity especially other people's pessimism, which makes you 'flighty' and scattered in your thinking. Feeling insecure and vulnerable. Selling yourself short. Being unable to break down issues so that you can understand them and make them ‘palatable.’ Believing others rather than following your own intuition. Feeling ashamed makes you a victim willing to accept the blame for others... and more...
CHAKRA: The Occipital Lobe, within which you are located, is an organ of the Third Eye Chakra.
SUBCONSCIOUS SABOTAGE: You need to be aware of the way in which you:
Function as a conscious being with an awareness of the bigger picture and your place in it. Treat yourself with respect - understand who you are and love yourself unconditionally. Develop your emotional and intellectual intelligence.
Be especially aware of how you:
Hear what people are saying to you. Understand meaningful speech. Choose what you want to listen to.
Staying with CAVES for this week, here's another location used as an example of what information a variety of readings on EARTHBODY.CO can give you.
LOCATION: Saint Baume cave (or La Baume of Mary Magdalene)
EARTHBODY LOCATION: Based on your data inputs, we determine that you are located within an aspect of the Earth’s Occipital Lobe, which is part of her Nervous System.
ASPECTS INFLUENCING YOUR CAREER: A radical and transformative influence. In order for this dynamic to work in your favour, you are encouraged to:
Explore ‘outside of the box’ – tap into your unrealised talents and potentials.
Make the most of what you already know. With your technical expertise, a bit of structure and planning you can take your ideas and develop them into something real.
THE PERFECT LOCATION: Your location also supports:
Fourth Sector Activities
The hotel and hospitality industry.
Anything to do with liquid beverages – bottled water, vineyards, breweries, coffee and the tea trade.
The arts – photography, painting, drawing, acting, writing, composing, dancing, singing, art history.
Nursery school teaching.
Service and customer support.
Home focused businesses specialising in interior decor and design. To name but a few...
HEALTHY BEYOND BELIEF: Be aware of your thoughts, attitude and behaviour with regards to how you:
Function as a conscious being with an awareness of the bigger picture and your place in it.
Treat yourself with respect - understand who you are and love yourself unconditionally.
Develop your emotional and intellectual intelligence.
Balance the affairs of your heart with your head.
UNCONSCIOUS PATTERNS: Be mindful of the following pitfalls:
Battling to cope with negativity especially other people's pessimism, which makes you 'flighty' and scattered in your thinking.
Feeling insecure and vulnerable.
Selling yourself short.
Being unable to break down issues so that you can understand them and make them ‘palatable.’
Believing others rather than following your own intuition.
Feeling ashamed makes you a victim willing to accept the blame for others... and more...
CHAKRA: The Occipital Lobe, within which you are located, is an organ of the Third Eye Chakra.
SUBCONSCIOUS SABOTAGE: You need to be aware of the way in which you:
Function as a conscious being with an awareness of the bigger picture and your place in it.
Treat yourself with respect - understand who you are and love yourself unconditionally.
Develop your emotional and intellectual intelligence.
Be especially aware of how you:
Hear what people are saying to you.
Understand meaningful speech.
Choose what you want to listen to.