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How to do a Reading in 5 EASY STEPS
Register and login to your account.
Think of yourself in a location and what you’d like to know more about.
Go to the Store and select the Reading Modules you’re interested in.
Purchase the items and then click on the link provided to retrieve your Reading.
Insert your personal and location details and click on the ‘View Your Earthbody Reading’ button. Readings are stored in your profile and are retrievable at any time. Click on your name and in the drop down menu, click on Readings.
Mother Earth is me. I am Mother Earth. Living, breathing, unity. Communication & support constantly taking place. Harmonising receiving and giving.
What do you put out into the world? How do you show up in your world and community (common-unity)?
What on Earth is your location trying to tell you? BUY your reading NOW to understand what she is saying, and how she is supporting you.
Mother Earth
Mother Earth is me. I am Mother Earth. Living, breathing, unity. Communication & support constantly taking place. Harmonising receiving and giving.
What do you put out into the world?
How do you show up in your world and community (common-unity)?
What on Earth is your location trying to tell you? BUY your reading NOW to understand what she is saying, and how she is supporting you.